Explore our pelvic floor therapy services for men
We offer a broad range of male pelvic floor therapy services for men in Houston, TX . Learn more about how pelvic floor therapy can ease pelvic pain, improve bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction and serve as a key incontinence treatment.
Pelvic Pain
Male pelvic pain can be experienced anywhere in the pelvis: scrotum, perineum, anus, penis, urethra, bladder, prostate, around the pubic bone, or around the sits bones. It can be triggered by a number of activities including sitting, urinating, defecating, exercising, or ejaculating. It can also refer into the abdomen, low back, SI joints, tailbone, and pubic bone. Pelvic pain can be linked to other diagnoses like chronic prostatitis, pudendal neuralgia or overactive bladder syndroe/interstitial cystitis.
Bladder Dysfunction
Bladder dysfunction in men is not age dependent, and it affects men differently in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50s and so on. Some symptoms that can be treated by pelvic floor physical therapy can include: difficulty urinating, urinary frequency/ overactive bladder, urinary urgency. and painful urination. We also offer specialized rehabilitation for men after prostatectomies or other prostate cancer procedures.
Sexual Pain & Dysfunction
Pain related to erection or ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and pain worsened by sexual activity is more common than you think, and pelvic floor physical therapy can help. The pelvic floor muscles are an important factor in erection and ejaculation, and thus pelvic floor dysfunction can often be a factor in many sexual challenges.
Bowel Dysfunction
Bowel dysfunction in men is not age dependent, and it affects men differently in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50s and so on. Some symptoms that can be treated by pelvic floor physical therapy can include: constipation/ irritable bowel syndrome, rectal pain, pain with bowel movements, and fecal incontinence. The pelvic floor muscles play a primary role in helping push out, or keep in, your stool. Physical therapy helps train the muscles to act in the way they were designed.
The biggest complaints for these men is urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. New research is showing that complete healing may take up to two years! Pelvic floor physical therapists assess how best to rehabilitate your muscles and sphincteric systems post surgery. A lot of your consult will include coaching to communicate with your physician about your needs and optimize your rehabilitative process.
Groin Pain
Examples of groin pain are athletic pubalgia, adductor strain, groin strain, hamstring strain etc. Interestingly, not only do we see groin pain a lot of men, but men who seek out pelvic floor PT commonly have a history of groin injuries.". Is there a connection? We think so! It’s important to have an assessment by a pelvic floor physical therapist in order to figure out why you keep re-injuring your groin! Or worse- is it starting to affect your sexual function? Or urinary function?
Did You Know?
Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction affects 1 in 10 men; this may present as painful bowel movements, urinary difficulties or sexual dysfunction. Pelvic floor physical therapists are trained to address these conditions. Usually these problems are interrelated and as time goes on, your problems can become more challenging to treat. Don’t let anything hold you back, let’s take care of your problem- Let’s fix this! For some men, you need someone to take the time to listen to your full history and draw out the details needed to get a precise and effective treatment plan started right away.