Why Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: My Calling

Karen Kowenski, a Houston pelvic floor physical therapist, talks about her career

Welcome to Empower Yourself PT! 

I have been a pelvic floor physical therapist for ten years now and recently decided to work for myself.  Why you ask?  Because someone needs to do better for the women in Houston, Texas.

One of the most common questions I get asked is how did you get into pelvic floor therapy?! Well, it’s very simple:

Like most physical therapists, I wanted to work with middle school and high school athletes, because sports are fun and glamorous and cool!  But I quickly realized this wasn’t my passion.  As my toddler would say: whoopsy daisy silly turkey!  

Women’s healthcare has always been a passion of mine; men and women are not the same- therefore their health care should not be the same.  The reality is women go through more ‘seasons':  puberty, pregnancy, child birth, postpartum, menopause and the cycle continues (THOSE HORMONES!!!)-  along with so many external factors that I am only going to allude to ( family, spouses, kids, work, nursing, exercise, etc etc).

Because of all these variables, there is NOT a standard formula for how we help women- women’s health care NEEDS to be multifactorial and personalized, one size does NOT fit all.

(Please note:  I do think men’s health care needs need an overhaul too.  Men do go through seasons of change that needs to be addressed.  Alas, I have chosen to focus my practice on women)

Anyways . . . Fast forward to the last year, I have two kids of my own ( 22 months apart- I am tired y'all- like REALLY tired!), working, wifing, adulting- its hard.  It was time to branch out on my own and offer to you all what I would have wanted for myself. 

What are your health goals?  Your pelvic floor therapy goals?  If you could, think about your WHOLE health; what would be your ideal goals?  

Let's start at the more focused part:

are you having bladder or bowel issues? 

incontinence or constipation? do you just leak with running?

diastasis recti- that dreaded abdominal separation that is getting so much buzz . . . are you worried you have it? 

can you do crunches?!  Are they good for you or bad for you?! 

pain with sex?  this can happen postpartum due to scarring from healing, or even with menopause or sometimes for no reason at all

Lets get broader now:

have you had kids and now trying to get stronger to return to your fitness goals?  goals could be a 5K or a marathon

Are you concerned about your nutrition?  How much water do you really need to drink?

Are you worried that that annoying knee or hip pain is somehow connected to your back pain? Well, it probably is! 

A pelvic floor physical therapist can help you for ALL of the above!   I am here to help YOU and serve YOU.  In my mind, you come first!  Let's do better for women. 

Let's meet you where you are at, and work towards YOUR goals in a realistic way- chances are you cannot devote 10+ hours a week to this, but that doesn't mean you are not motivated and cannot achieve your goals.  Small changes, can make a HUGE difference!


Does Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Actually Heal Prolapse?!